In this article, GapOne will present the Growth Marketing trend and explore opportunities for optimizing customer experience.

What is Growth Marketing?

Growth Marketing has become a familiar concept for many businesses. Essentially, it is a marketing approach that prioritizes experimentation to deliver personalized messages aligned with the customer’s preferences and behaviors.
Since its inception, the concept of Growth Marketing has evolved significantly through the implementation of swift and sustainable growth strategies:

Generate demand to attract new clientele

Satisfy and retain existing customers while cultivating brand advocates to enhance the long-term value proposition for businesses

Transform customers into “free advertisers” for the brand

Through the “User-centric” strategy, businesses can precisely cater to customer needs based on collected data. Additionally, businesses prioritize targeting customers genuinely interested in their products/services, minimizing unnecessary expenditures and resource utilization.

Distinguish between Growth Marketing and Digital Marketing

Growth Marketing and Digital Marketing are frequently conflated, yet they possess distinct meanings.

Growth Marketing is a marketing approach of using data gained aimed at acquiring and retaining customers. In contrast, Digital Marketing primarily encompasses traditional marketing strategies, emphasizing brand awareness and lead generation.
Depending on their business objectives, companies will select an appropriate model. If their goal is to broaden their customer base, Growth Marketing will prove to be an exceptionally suitable strategy. Conversely, if companies are focused on gathering the maximum number of leads, digital marketing will yield the anticipated results.

Big corporations that have effectively implemented the Growth Marketing strategy


Before launching their current official website version, Hubspot conducted extensive testing of various website designs. Throughout this testing phase, they meticulously analyzed user data and improved accordingly. Despite the complexity and time-consuming nature of this process, Hubspot achieved remarkable growth, with a 35% increase in the number of customers requesting a demo and a 27% increase in product registrations.


Slack, the fastest-growing B2B Software company of SaaS in history, is a prime example of a successful enterprise that has benefited from Growth Marketing. This company has prioritized customer engagement as a key component of its Growth Marketing strategy. The Growth Marketing plan implemented by Slack includes:
– Obtain customer feedback and refine processes accordingly
– Establish a straightforward and seamless onboarding procedure
– Employ a Freemium pricing model to demonstrate the product value
– Leverage user data analysis to optimize engagement levels


Leveraging the benefits of Growth Marketing, Spotify has transcended limitations to emerge as the premier music streaming platform globally, commanding over 30% market share.
Spotify has consistently conducted testing and made adjustments to improve user experience, through creating personalized playlists and recommending music tailored to listeners’ preferences based on their listening history. Additionally, the platform enables users to create and share their own podcasts with friends and family.

GapOne – Growth Marketing tool to facilitate business’s sustainable growth

Automatically gather data and track multi-channel customer behavior, aiding businesses in constructing a 360-degree customer persona, thus simplifying the process of capturing and reaching customer insights.
Establish an automated messaging campaign to manage a large volume of business customers within a few minutes
Optimize the effectiveness of message delivery based on flows, ensuring personalized customer care messages are delivered to the appropriate individuals, with the relevant content, at the optimal time.

Learn more about Growth Marketing and other outstanding marketing methods at GAPIT Communications’ Blog.