In the era of information technology proliferation, customers extensively explore various sales channels before making purchasing decisions. To effectively attract and persuade customers, businesses must not only approach them across multiple sales channels but also ensure a seamless shopping experience. This is the reason for the establishment of Omni-channel Marketing to assist businesses in dominating the competition in sales.

There are 5 considerations for businesses when implementing Omni-channel Marketing!

Clearly distinguish between Omni-channel and Multi-channel Marketing

  • Multi-channel Marketing primarily involves the distribution of products and marketing messages across multiple sales channels to expand customer reach. Due to the management of these channels on separate platforms, each sales channel pursues distinct objectives, allowing customers the flexibility to choose their preferred channel. Nevertheless, the effectiveness of marketing and the level of customer interaction in each channel are frequently low due to the independent operation of channels and lack of connection, resulting in the inconsistency of the customer experience.
  • Utilizing a blend of diverse sales channels, Omni-channel Marketing focuses on prioritizing customers in all marketing endeavors, aiming to cultivate a favorable shopping experience. The objective is to provide a seamless shopping journey and proficiently interact with customers irrespective of their chosen channel. Moreover, businesses can manage multiple sales channels concurrently, facilitated by a centralized data management system and get faster connection with customers at a highly effective cost. It is evident that Omni-channel Marketing presents numerous advantages, particularly when compared with the Multi-channel Marketing method.

Customer-centric marketing activities
As previously mentioned, Omni-channel Marketing aims to implement customer-centric marketing activities. According to statistics, each satisfied customer contributes 67% more profit than a new customer and evolves into a “free advertiser” who introduces the brand to friends and relatives.
Therefore, businesses need to prioritize an emphasis on customer experience to understand their concerns and desires, thereby proposing marketing and customer care strategies that align with consumer needs. It is imperative for businesses to put themselves in the customer’s position and engage with the entire system, including purchasing, consultation, ordering, delivery,… This enables businesses to improve their systems, ultimately enhancing customer experience.

However, the creation of customer experience should not be confined to the responsibilities of a specific department. A successful brand considers ensuring customer experience as a collective responsibility across the entire business, with each department accountable for satisfying customers.

Maximum utilization of customer data
Achieving success in multi-channel marketing results from a deep understanding of customers. It is processed by leveraging the customer data at your disposal. According to a McKinsey & Company survey involving 700 experts in Sales and Marketing, businesses maximizing their utilization of customer data experience a higher return on investment and profit, at 115% and 93% respectively compared to their counterparts.
Data history from customer interactions across all channels is referred to as a “gold mine,” which facilitates businesses to achieve breakthroughs when they effectively utilize them. This data provides insights into preferred purchasing trends, the channels customers engage with, interaction level,…, offering comprehensive information about customers’ shopping behaviors. From this dataset, businesses can develop product decisions, marketing strategies and plans.

Remarketing – Crucial concept in Omni-channel Marketing
Remarketing is a term commonly used in multi-channel marketing. It represents a highly efficient strategy aimed at enhancing the effectiveness of marketing and customer care by maintaining connections with potential customers and persuading them to become loyal patrons of the brand.
Remarketing serves the purpose of reminding customers of the brand and the products/services they have previously shown interest in. Suppose, a customer puts a T-shirt in their shopping cart on the website, but after one month, a filtering system reveals that they have not completed the purchase. Subsequently, businesses can send an SMS to remind customers about the abandoned cart, encouraging them to finalize the payment and thereby minimizing this problem.

This marketing approach further enables businesses to deliver personalized marketing content aligned with the behavior of distinct customer groups. Consequently, this capability facilitates the provision of services to the appropriate audience at the opportune moment and enhances the efficiency of customer interactions.

Give consideration to customer categorization
Identifying customer segments is a pivotal undertaking for businesses aiming to design a successful marketing strategy. Businesses have the capability to categorize customers through various criteria like age, gender, preference,… and detailed questions:
– Who loves your brand?
– Why do customers abandon shopping carts?
– What is the frequency of their purchases?
– What is the average expenditure per purchase by customers?

Subsequently, businesses can formulate targeted marketing campaigns that align with customer psychology. For instance, young customers aged 15-30 exhibit interest in creative content on social media, whereas the most effective marketing channels for middle-aged groups are Zalo and online groups.

“Synchronization” – An indispensable component in Omni-channel Marketing
The “soul” of Omni-channel Marketing lies in synchronization and concentration in management. Therefore, businesses must ensure a unified and seamless customer journey across channels during the implementation of this approach. Customers frequently utilize multiple channels when making purchases, such as viewing products on the website, seeking advice through Zalo and placing orders via the phone app. It is imperative to ensure consistency in the experience across their computer, phone and the purchasing platform.
Beyond enhancing convenience for customers throughout the shopping process, this connection also facilitates multi-channel information management and interaction. Businesses can monitor customer activities, including logins on multiple devices and abandoned carts across different channels,… Consequently, there is a reduced need for human resources to efficiently manage multi-channel operation through a unified platform.

Combine with professional platforms to optimize efficiency
To implement an effective Omni-channel Marketing strategy, possessing a professional automated management platform is imperative. Nevertheless, the development of an independent platform can be time-consuming and requires great human resources so using a pre-designed platform is the preferred choice for numerous businesses. GAPIT Communications stands out as one of the leading enterprises offering sustainable growth solutions for businesses through the GAPONE growth platform.
Automatically collecting data across all channels assists businesses in constructing a comprehensive 360-degree customer persona. Simultaneously, it facilitates customer categorization based on their characteristics and operation through straightforward steps. Subsequently, effective marketing campaigns are offered with messages tailored to each specific target customer group.

  • Real-time update reports support businesses in comprehending consumers, monitoring and promptly adjusting all marketing strategies.
  • Administration and interaction with customers across all channels through a unified platform, optimizing human resources and management time.

Hopefully the above information about Omni-channel Marketing has enhanced your comprehension of this marketing trend. You can also refer to many other useful articles about the latest Marketing and Customer Care trends for businesses here.