We currently reside in the era of digital technology with innovations that significantly impact life and alter traditional work methods. Marketing, in particular, has undergone numerous evolutions to engage with customers and navigate toward the desired direction effectively

1. What are the shifts in marketing trends?
Previously, consumers sought promotional content regarding products or events through newspapers, magazines, news, or television (TV). However, today, all information is readily accessible online via the Internet. Presently, customers prefer to read online newspapers rather than traditional print editions, or they engage with social media for news updates instead of relying on television broadcasts as they did in the past. As consumer habits and behaviors evolve, businesses must adapt their marketing strategies accordingly.

With the proliferation of the Internet and social media, the messages that marketers aim to convey must adapt and progress to align with this evolving trend. Reflecting on the past decade, marketing content predominantly comprised texts in sporadic forms to engage consumers. However, in today’s landscape, users are inundated with an abundance of information choices. so only truly compelling content will capture attention. (See more: “Content is King” – The definition remains applicable across all times)
The evolution extends beyond content to encompass the delivery methods as well. While the impact of the Internet and social media is evident, these platforms inundate users with information, rendering it challenging for businesses to effectively attract customers within the intense competition. However, through SMS Marketing, businesses can confidently ensure that their intended content reaches potential customers.

2. Why has SMS received widespread trust by numerous businesses?
Various forms of reaching customers through SMS include:

  • SMS Brand Name: Facilitates businesses in customer care, advertising campaigns, recruitment, and event organization.
  • SMS Location: Marketing form that utilizes text messages based on real-time subscriber location data. Businesses collaborate with domestic network operators to send messages within specific geographical radius, aiming to selectively reach target customers while minimizing message spam, including:
    – GEO-TARGETING: Concentrates on mobile users frequently situated in specific locations, suitable for stationary services such as supermarkets, restaurants, and grocery stores,…
    – GEO-FENCING: Targets mobile users entering or exiting specific locations, suitable for businesses offering new services, flash sales,…

3. Given its numerous forms, SMS marketing offers substantial benefits for businesses.

SMS Marketing maintains customers connection
Maintain a constant connection with your customers, whether they are existing, new, or potential customers. Ensure that your services remain visible to them on a regular basis. You can send daily, weekly SMS marketing or monthly customer care calls. Exercise discretion to avoid annoying customers during busy periods, but consistently be available when they have the opportunity to engage.
Create a feeling of respect for customers
Through SMS Marketing, customers will consistently receive considerate attention, encompassing holiday, birthday celebration, customer loyalty programs,… By doing so, businesses can cultivate rapport with customers, thereby fostering loyalty and encouraging repeat purchases of our services in their subsequent transactions.
Create opportunities for businesses to engage in innovation
In the current era of intense competition, if businesses fail to generate allure and distinctiveness that align with prevailing trends, they risk rapidly regressing. Innovation entails more than logo alterations or image and method refurbishments to offer customers novel experiences, thereby preventing boredom and repetition.

At present, GAPIT is one of the foremost agencies offering SMS services in Vietnam so do not hesitate to contact us for prompt assistance.