Omni-Channel Marketing has become a tendency for numerous businesses in executing their marketing campaigns. So what is Omni-Channel Marketing? This article will enhance your understanding of Omni-Channel Marketing and businesses offering relevant services with the most optimal results.

What is Omni-Channel Marketing Automation?

Omni-Channel Marketing is understood as Multi-Channel Marketing. This is a method of conveying marketing and communication messages to customers across all the channels they frequently use, aiming to provide value to fulfill their needs.

However, it’s crucial to distinguish Multi-Channel and Omni-Channel Marketing! While both encompass multiple channels, Multi-Channel Marketing separates the customer management system across various platforms. Meanwhile, Omni-Channel Marketing can manage all customer information of all channels through a unified CRM system.

Objectives of Omni-channel:

  • Establish a presence on all channels interested and used by your customers
  • Collect extensive data and centralize it in a single management center
  • Automatically monitor customer information, behaviors, and preferences.

By attaining these objectives, your business can:

  • Establish a cohesive, seamless and personalized purchasing experience, allowing effortless and consistent interactions.
  • Equip businesses with the most comprehensive overview to deliver the optimal service experience for customers.

To achieve this, your business needs to connect and monitor customer interaction across all their utilized channels, including, typically Website, Email, SMS, Web Push Notification,… or social channels engaged by modern customers such as Facebook, Zalo, Viber,…

Perhaps the business has established customer interaction channels on various platforms. However, not all businesses have the capability to manage customer information within a unified system and automatically update customer data.

What influence does Omni-Channel Marketing Automation have on the purchasing journey?

Omni-channel Marketing strategy will maximize engagement across all channels. Technology facilitates businesses to automate every step in Omni-Channel Marketing campaigns through a unified platform.

For example, a customer utilizing different messaging platforms may discover one or several products that catch their interest. after visiting the business’s website. In such instances, the customer might express interest but not desire to make a purchase, or they may add the product to the cart without finalizing the payment.

With Omni-Channel Marketing Automation platforms like GapOne, a software equipped to “track” customer behavior, identify their needs, and subsequently send messages to the target customer group through Email Marketing, SMS message, notifying them about ongoing promotions for the products they have shown interest in. This shopping promotion campaign facilitates customers to make a purchasing decision, even if the product may not be an immediate necessity.

With Email Marketing, brands can attract customers who are abandoning shopping carts, promoting purchasing with campaigns announcing “limited stock”, “product sale-off”, “discount vouchers of up to 30%”,…

GAPONE – The best Omni-Channel Marketing Automation solution for SMEs

GAPONE is the most optimal Omni-Channel Marketing Automation platform for businesses offering a range of innovative features:

  • Automatically re-engage customers back to the website
  • Automatically enhance interaction with customers
  • Automatically stimulate multi-channel conversions and customer communication
  • Automatically nurture potential customers
  • Automatically attract customers back to product purchases, increase up & cross sale

Currently, GAPONE is one of the platforms that integrates all prevailing media channels such as SMS, Zalo, Facebook, Viber, Voice, Web Push, Email.

Thanks to its centralized customer data management, GapOne assists businesses in automatically categorizing to precisely identify “potential customer persona”, thereby sending accurate customer care and communication messages at the opportune moment to the right audience through the appropriate channel, ensuring optimal experiences for customers.

GAPIT Communications is one of the businesses that establishes and develops the leading Omni-Channel Marketing Automation platform in Vietnam – GapOne. Currently, GAPONE is Haravan’s partner, providing swift and efficient multi-channel messaging marketing solutions. GAPONE aims to establish partnerships with other prominent enterprises in the e-commerce industry in the future.