For enterprises experiencing upward momentum, the manual tracking of existing and potential customer data can be a time-consuming and resource-draining endeavor.
To address this problem, businesses are encouraged to adopt the comprehensive CRM system offered by HubSpot – “Nutrients” fostering customer satisfaction and facilitating business growth.

What is CRM?

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is the method enabling businesses to systematically and efficiently access and communicate with their customers. CRM facilitates the smart and scientific management of customer information, enabling businesses to implement more effective strategies for customers.
In the past, CRM primarily recorded and updated customer information proactively, but now “Smart” CRM possesses the capability to automatically, instantly store customer data and interaction history with businesses. This feature allows businesses to track the entire customer journey, from initial contact with the brand to the decision to invest in products and services.

HubSpot CRM – “Nutrient” for business growth

Positioned as one of the leading CRM platforms today, HubSpot CRM goes beyond the basics. Termed a “Buy 1 Get 3” solution, HubSpot provides an integrated set of engines that support marketing, sales, and customer care processes, to maximize economic efficiency for businesses.
The HubSpot toolkit, centered around CRM, not only allows business departments to harness customer data optimally but also facilitates the smooth execution of marketing and sales activities. This, in turn, generates momentum for business growth.
Furthermore, HubSpot CRM can automate contact creation, order processing with potential customers, and monitor customer interactions, optimizing business activities through inbound strategies. Integration with various platforms, including Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and popular business applications like Mailchimp, WordPress, and Shopify, is an additional advantage.

HubSpot CRM’s comprehensive features include:

  • Free customer data storage suitable for businesses of any size and industry.
  • Intuitive interface facilitating easy monitoring, enabling businesses to exploit and grasp potential customer journey.
  • Emphasis on maximizing Inbound Marketing and Email Marketing potential – Modern Marketing trends.

Customizable sales processes to align with the department’s workflow.
Provide diverse customer data sources, such as quick creation of new customer contact, and entry of potential customer information with a few clicks.

Key benefits of HubSpot CRM for Businesses:

Build a Perfect Customer Experience:

By monitoring each customer touchpoint on the purchasing journey, HubSpot CRM enables businesses to understand customer behavior, and personalize messages to optimize value to customers.

Improve work productivity dramatically

In the digital transformation revolution, HubSpot CRM automates time-consuming manual tasks, such as recording call logs, reporting operations, creating random transactions for visitors,… This results in higher proficiency of ability and intelligence among qualified personnel to important tasks, contributing to revenue generation for businesses.

Enhance Departmental Coordination

Through the HubSpot CRM software, Business departments can immediately identify potential customers and their purchasing behavior. This enables businesses to allocate appropriate staff based on customer data. Quick and accurate manipulations facilitate seamless operations both internally and externally.
For instance, the sales department, leveraging HubSpot CRM, can identify a potential customer seeking high-priced service packages. The department head can then relay this information to a specialized sales staff with experience in negotiating and closing significant agreements, significantly improving the business’s success rate in closing deals.

With 15 years of experience in providing Branding, Mobile Marketing and Digital Marketing services for businesses in Vietnam and Southeast Asia, GAPIT Communications proudly stands as the No. 1 partner of HubSpot in Vietnam, according to HubSpot’s rankings.
Learn more and book advice on GAPIT’s HubSpot software here.