“Technology for humanity” is the last goal of Marketing 5.0. instead of applying “technology” to activities, it focuses on leveraging technology to enhance customer experience and satisfaction, ensuring that all customers are satisfied. It is also the goal of a multi-channel business. With the habit of searching and shopping on many different platforms and applications, expanding the system of sales channels for marketing and customer care is necessary for businesses to implement.

However, owning many sales channels is not enough to make a customer’s shopping experience perfect because the key lies in the implementation model. So what is the multi-channel marketing implementation model following the Marketing 5.0 standard for businesses?

Ebook Omni-channel Marketing Automation – New marketing criteria in the 5.0 Marketing era will introduce to you

  • Omni-channel Marketing – The most effective multi-channel business implementation model at the moment
  • Omni-Channel Marketing Automation platform automates all multi-channel marketing activities
  • Some Omni-channel Marketing Automation scenarios are applied in reality

Download the Ebook to stay abreast of the latest trends in multi-channel marketing and enhance your brand’s business efficiency today!

DOWNLOAD HERE: https://gapone.vn/omni-channel-marketing-automation-tieu-thuc-lam-tiep-thi-moi-trong-thoi-marketing-5-0/